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Millennium Fellowship

Being part of the first Millennium Fellow Cohort of Florida International University was an honor. Our cohort consisted of all women and most were Global Medallion students. My project, We are the Future, collected over 150 classroom items for children with Autism with the help of Global medallion office and Dr.Maria Reid. Over 100 students donated items for my project, of which were Global Medallion and Psychology students. Along with donations, I was given a grant, the GCE mini-grant. With this grant, I provided items that helped children with Autism cope with nonverbal communication frustrations and learn communication strategies. The academy of my choice focused on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder who are nonverbal. The items purchased helped children understand the world around them and taught them strategies to communicate effectively. Due to the significant challenges of verbal communication, the students demonstrate higher levels of frustration and behavioral challenges. Thus, the items were used as supplementary tools to teach strategies that reduce behavior, frustrations issues and help students with tactile, visual, auditory, sensory, and fine motor abilities

I designed this flyer for my project, We are the Future. As one can see, my target group was children with Autism. This flyer was given to Florida International Students, specifically those in the Global medallion program and in my mentor's, Dr.Reid, classes.


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